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SPC Background Check

*Attention Macintosh users! For some reason, Intellicorp only works for Macs with Firefox as their Internet browser. Download the free software at: For those who don’t know what a browser is, read the following information.

A browser is software that accesses and displays pages and files on the web. Browsers require a connection to the Internet (e.g., through a cable modem, a direct Ethernet connection, or a modem). Popular web browsers include Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Firefox and Safari are available for both Windows and Macintosh computers. Internet Explorer is no longer being developed for the Macintosh.

For the Applicant:
  1. Log on to
  2. Enter the password on the Welcome Page: Not1More
  3. Enter Personal Information- All fields marked with a " * " are required.
  4. Click Next and review all information to ensure its accuracy before proceeding.

    • If you Quit without clicking Save, the system will not save your information. Your background check will not be run. You will need to start over from the beginning when you return.
    • If you click Save before you Quit, you will be provided with a reference code to enter when you return to the site to pick up where you left off.
    • When returning to the site, click on this link on the Welcome Page: “If you are returning to finish a previous search, then click here.”
    • Enter your last name and reference number to resume your previous search.

  5. Click Complete
  6. Enter payment information and then hit Submit

    * Your Social Security information will not be viewed by anyone other than Intellicorp.

    If you have any questions, email us at:
    In the subject box write “intellicorp”

